Individual Therapy

I have found that the most effective therapy is based on a strong relationship established between therapist and client, and the dynamics between us during the sessions become important fodder for our conversations. Because of this and the importance of maintaining momentum, I recommend that we meet weekly. A therapist is different from anyone else you hire because you are developing a relationship that allows the therapist to look at the inner structures of your life. Much therapeutic value is lost if meetings are sporadic or too far apart. Ask yourself not only how much of your time and finances you’re willing to invest but also what kind of change you are committing to. Do you simply want relationships to improve or for depression to ease up, or are you willing to work for deep change where you become more courageous, compassionate, fierce, vulnerable, honest, loving, and fully present in your one wild and precious life?

How It Works

After you call me to set up an appointment, I will send you a link to my secure client portal with forms to fill out and directions to my office. At our meeting time, we will talk about what has prompted you to come into my office and how I can be of help.

What to Bring

In addition to your payment for the session, I recommend you bring:

• openness to hearing how others perceive you
• motivation to make lasting change in how you relate to others
• willingness to take risks in relationships
• commitment to meeting weekly
• desire to care well for yourself

For More Input

If you are looking for additional input, I can recommend therapy groups, led by me or by other therapists, that deal with sexual abuse recovery, relationship difficulties, sexual addiction, and other issues. It can be enormously healing to speak honestly about your life with others on the journey.


It’s like, at the end, there’s this surprise quiz: Am I proud of me? I gave my life to become the person I am right now. Was it worth what I paid?

—Richard Bach